On The Pig's Back short film, is a touching comedy heist, improvised by actors with intellectual disability, who are supported by Cope Foundation, West Cork, Ireland.
Devised and directed by Alison Glennie.
Cinematography by Jason Lee
Sound Design by Fintan McKahey
On the Pig's Back from Alison Glennie on Vimeo.
Do you see me?This short documentary by Alison Glennie, aims to challenge stereotypical views of disability.
It had it’s genesis in the workshop that followed the first film festival screening of the comedy short ‘On The Pig’s Back’ made in 2014. That comedy features a cast of adults with intellectual disability, who are supported by Cope Foundation.
The workshop was designed to document feedback from the actors and Alison posed the question “How would you wish the world to see you?” The actors responses form the basis of this socially engaged documentary, which incorporates many diverse members of our community.
Music: (c) Fintan McKahey -
Daniel Nash on slide guitar -
This project was supported by Cork ETB and Cork Co Co Arts Office -
Do you see me? from Alison Glennie on Vimeo.